
Friday, August 30, 2024

Inching Out 

Vice President Harris is inching out to the media with her first sit-down interview yesterday.  According to press reports, it was ordinary and the only news was why it took her so long to do it.  The unanswered question is how long will it be before she does it again.  She is apparently afraid of a "Gotcha" moment when she slips up as all do at one time or another.  She apparently doesn't understand that the public wants to see the person behind the candidacy, how she reacts when something goes wrong.  Maybe in time she will settle in and be more forthcoming. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Who's Right? Doesn't Matter. 

There is a he-said he-said argument over Trump's recent visit to Arlington National Cemetery.  The Defense department says Trump's campaign operatives had no right to film Trump visiting a section of the cemetery.  Photographs are not permitted.  Trump's people say they had permission to shoot and the DOD is wrong.  The standoff apparently resulted in a physical altercation.  It doesn't matter who was right.  It presents a poor image of the Trump campaign that has already riled veterans.  So positive PR turned negative in an instant. Reminder to communicators.  Always check before conducting a campaign on government property.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Hard To Believe 

If this fellow can run for president, anyone can.  Sawing off and transporting the head of a whale is weird.  Add to that dumping a dead bear cub in Central Park.  There is something awry in his brain, as his own family attests.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Trench Race 

Political campaigns cost money -- lots of it -- and volunteers to do ground-pounding voter contact. It is interesting that the Harris-Walz ticket is ahead on both.  That doesn't guarantee an election but it is a good sign.  Trump must be concerned or anyway, his strategists.  Political campaigns are communications on steroids for a one-day sale. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Loss of Footing 

The Washington Post is reporting that former President Trump is struggling in his campaign against Vice President Harris.  He hasn't found a personal attack against her that resonates with his audiences.  His advisers are finding him undisciplined and low energy.  This helps Harris but sooner or later, Trump will find a groove and swing for effect.  Harris can't rest, not for a minute, especially in battleground states.  Trump's ad hominem attacks are lousy PR but they work with his voters.  What does that say?  

Friday, August 23, 2024

With Stories Like This 

With stories like this, it is hard for Israel to maintain its reputation among nations.  The baby had done no harm nor had his mother who was killed nor his brothers who also died.  The photo of the toddler inflames passions and revolts viewers. One asks how the IDF can justify harming innocent civilians and the answer is stark.  It can't. Israel comes off as a heartless bully, a perception that will take decades to live down.  

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Even The Best 

Even the best reporters can make glaring errors.  The key is to admit them when they occur and to work hard to avoid them in the future.  Such happened to PBS' Judy Woodruff when she was discussing Israeli and Hamas peace talks.  She repeated a story from another news source about President Trump and the slow-moving talks without realizing that the story had already been denied by Trump and Israel. She apologized on-air for the error, which was proper, and she preserved her reputation for accuracy.  Bad mistake. Good recovery.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


What can be more dumb than this?  Or, does Trump know something we don't.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Any way you look at it, a convention is a rally for the party faithful.  The original purpose of choosing a nominee was lost long ago.  That opens the question of why still have them? Aren't  there less expensive ways to gather delegates and ignite their fever?  

Monday, August 19, 2024

Too Late 

House Republicans in an effort to embarrass and unseat President Biden have issued a 300-page report alleging impeachable offenses by the President.  It's too late now that Biden is out of the race for reelection and it will sink from sight along with other-such documents.  They wanted to get even with Democrats for impeaching former President Trump twice.  Whatever Biden did or did not do is nowhere near Trump's actions, so they wouldn't have succeeded anyway.  It is one more example of useless investigations on the Hill and lousy PR.  

Friday, August 16, 2024

Bad PR 

A life-threatening result of bad PR.  Can the companies survive with the loss of their market?  Probably not.  

Thursday, August 15, 2024


Trump is smoothing the path for Harris by rambling off-message in his campaign speeches.  Is it PR suicide? 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Trump said he would go to Venezuela should he lose the election because it would be safer there. He added that the country sent all of its criminals to the US border.  How stupid is that?  One wonders how he maintains an adoring body of supporters with such outrageous remarks.  He has an attraction that is not explainable but is dangerous to democracy.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Too Far? 

Unlike 2016 when the media mishandled leaks about Hillary Clinton's campaign, the present leak of confidential data from the Trump campaign is not being published. The claim is that a foreign power, possibly Iran, was behind the hacked information.  This time, however, the media are circumspect about revealing inside secrets.  Have they gone too far in protecting the candidate?  Some observers think so.  The data is a PR bomb that might explode at any minute should an editor change his mind.  It's an uncomfortable position for Trump to be in.  

Monday, August 12, 2024


The Navy is woefully behind in building warships.  Some of that is a workforce crisis.  The service can't get enough laborers in shipyards.  A good part of that, however, is due to the Navy's fiddling with plans even as ships are built.  It can't seem to keep its hands off new vessels long enough to get them done on time and on budget.  Cost overruns and time loss are endemic.  The service needs a shakeup with emphasis on getting construction done.  That is not likely to happen without a war igniting urgency in the ranks.  It will continue to have an image of a bungler until then.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Count 'Em 

Reporters have noted that former president Trump likes large crowds at his rallies and he is fuming over the numbers that VP Harris is getting.  Well, count 'em.  If the spotlight has moved from Trump, he needs to seize it back and build bigger crowds.  If he can't do that, he must learn to live with it and continue to campaign.  His behavior and red-meat jibes have turned off many voters and it is showing.  Maybe the country is moving back to the center.  It will be good if it does.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

What Does It Say?  

What does it say about a presidential candidate that a sitting president states he is not confident what the candidate will do if he loses the election?  The candidate is a dangerous man.  

Wednesday, August 07, 2024


A Nobel prize for economics might help in running Bangladesh, but it won't go far.  The country's new prime minister is heading an interim government that won't have much chance of making changes.  Bangladesh has a  massive PR problem with its citizens rising up against the government.   

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Hard Knocks 

What's worse news -- the market meltdown or a judge ruling that Google is a monopoly?   Both are hard knocks to corporate stability and to the public.  There isn't much to say that would calm the panic.  It is a moment to ride out the fear and to move forward.  If Google's appeals fail to work, Google may recede in the search world, and there is little the company can do about it.  If the markets continue to swing violently, the Fed might need to intervene with a rate cut that might be too late.  What else can happen?  Don't ask.  

Monday, August 05, 2024


It's odd that a presidential candidate can fess up to dumping a dead bear cub in Manhattan's Central Park.  It was a joke, he says, but will voters be amused?  

Friday, August 02, 2024

Too late 

The electrifying prisoner swap with Russia yesterday came too late for President Biden's bid for reelection.  In fact, according to some reports, he made a key phone call just an hour before announcing that he was stepping down.  It showed that he is anything but a doddering old man.  He is still in charge even though voters don't think so.  It will be fodder for historians to examine how and why the public turned against him.  The debate disaster was the capstone of a turn in sentiment.  Some day, voters might rue their decision but not now.  

Thursday, August 01, 2024

PR Disaster 

Any way you consider it, this was a PR disaster for former president Trump.  Why did he go in the first place and why did he consent to take questions?  He knew better, but he allowed himself to walk into a buzz saw. 

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