Friday, January 03, 2025
Big Promises
Puerto Rico's new governor is making big promises to her island citizens to improve infrastructure, especially power, which is highly unstable on the island. Her constituency will hold her to them. By all accounts, Puerto Ricans are worn out by a lack of basic services on the island. They want change. It is an opportunity for the new governor and also a danger if she doesn't produce quickly. If she succeeds, her image will soar and she will go down as one of the best governors in the history of the island. If she fails, it will be more of the same and her PR will be in the crapper. One hopes she likes a challenge.
Thursday, January 02, 2025
Cutting To The Chase
James Carville has focused on the central issue and messaging Democrats need to take back the White House and Congress. His argument makes sense but will Democrats listen?
Wednesday, January 01, 2025
It's not a happy New Year in New Orleans this morning. In fact, it's more of the same violence and suffering of 2024 and previous years. One asks why and there is no good answer. What makes people act out and kill others? One can say they are mentally incompetent but that is not a definitive response. There is a deep well of unhappiness and conspiracy theories in the US, and it produces killers time and again. It is a symptom of a disease in the body politic, one that will not disappear easily or ever.