
Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Blogging Moos 

Someone has certainly picked up on this already, but there is a dairy in Vermont using blogs constructively to market its organic yogurt. It's a neat bit of online PR. The dairy is Stonyfield Farm and its five blogs are here. The interesting part of the blogs is that they attempt to carry news of interest to visitors.

The first is "Strong Women Daily News" and it focuses on women, health, calcium (of course)and fitness. The second is a blog from a local organic dairy farm and it gives a sense of real people behind the company. The third, "The Dairy Planet" is about environment and recycling -- an issue to manufacturers that uses millions of paper or plastic cartons. The fourth, "The Daily Scoop" is news from inside the company and seems rather weak. The final blog "Creating Healthy Kids" focuses on school lunch programs around the nation and what they are doing about nutrition.

The five blogs provide an excellent example of what a company can do to better relate to customers. I have no idea what it costs Stonyfield Farm to run the blogs but there is apparently a blog administrator who manages some or all of them. Stonyfield Farm also is marketing the blogs well with a banner on its well laid out and highly usable index page.

If a dairy can use blogs well for PR purposes, many others can too.


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