
Sunday, November 28, 2004

I Hear You  

Trudy Schuett got after me for my last posting on the lack of broadband in the U.S. I agree with some of her post. My intention, poorly stated, was to note how badly telephone, satellite and cable companies have operated in getting broadband rolled out. I wasn't reflecting on those who have a broadband option but don't use it. That's a different issue.

As I mentioned, my father lives in a rural area, and the service isn't there. On the other hand, service also appears to be missing from thousands of suburbs and other semi-urban areas of the US. It's not just a rural problem. Lack of availability comes from reluctance of telephone companies to promote broadband until recently. They were stuck in a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) mentality. Until they lost service to cell phones, broadband wasn't a priority. (Those who read my work know I have a "thing" about phone companies. They were regional monopolies that tried to stop progress, but progress won.)

The issue of individuals not using broadband is one of education and personal preference. However, every newspaper, TV channel and radio station refers regularly to the internet and promotes involvement in it. The American public knows about the information riches online and it is a small step to understand the benefits of accessing online quickly rather than slowly. If people elect not to use broadband, there is something more than education involved. That's why I believe it's a question of availability more than preference.


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