
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Image Protection 

This is an interesting story about the lengths a company will go to protect its image.  Disneyland is nearing its 55th year in business and seems as fresh and new today as it was when it opened.  That is because the company dispatches a huge corp of cleaners, painters, gum-scrapers and other technicians to the property every night who work until dawn preparing the facility for the next day.  Few notice or even think about the 600 workers behind the scenes making a "squeaky clean" park experience possible.  It's great PR and whoever suggested the story to the Los Angeles Times business section deserves kudos.

Hi Jim, being a resent blogger, i have been searching for posts that relate to PR and Marketing. I can def. relate to Disney's attempt to retain their image. I participated in the Disney College Program from Jan 2010-April 2010 and can tell you first hand that these, "behind the scenes" workers are the backbone of the company! If you like, check out my blog (http://adifferentlookintopr.blogspot.com/) it may be of interest because it talks about how PR is changing right before our eyes...
I think what impressed me most was their attitude towards feral cats. Rather than eradicate, spaying/neutering the colony and placing kittens is a very mature and respectful attitude. The fact the cats eradicate vermin is a win-win that even "Mickey Mouse" could support.

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