
Friday, June 08, 2012


Politics make for interesting communications challenges.  Take this one.  A former president who fails to hew to the party line during campaign season and whom no one can stop.  President Obama can plea with Clinton to stay out of sight, but Clinton has no intention of doing so -- and won't.  So the campaign has to learn to live with him.  It is just one more headache on the road to re-election.  Of ex-presidents, I admire Bush more because once he left the White House, he also left the national scene.  He made no effort to stay in the public eye, and in fact, he made a deliberate choice to disappear, so Obama could get about his business.  Clinton, like Jimmy Carter, has taken the opposite tack.  He has plenty to say, and he is doing so whether or not the President likes it.  Bush seems to have greater respect for the office.  I'm sure Romney's communications staff are happier than Obama's when it comes to dealing with ex-Presidents.


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