
Friday, January 25, 2013

Having It Both Ways? 

Whenever an organization takes both sides of an argument out of self interest, it compromises  credibility and integrity.  That is what is happening here, if the news story is correct.  A Roman Catholic hospital chain is arguing that fetuses are not people in order to avoid a malpractice lawsuit.  The Roman Catholic Church has held just the opposite for decades -- namely, that life must be protected from the moment of conception to the point of natural death.  It would be interesting to know if Church hierarchy is aware of the court case and of the hospital's contentions.  If they are and have done nothing, they are guilty of hypocrisy.  More likely, they are just learning along with the public what the attorney's defense is.  If so, they don't have much time to act in order to avoid the charge of hypocrisy.  Already, commentators have tipped to the story and are using it to pummel the Church and its beliefs.  From a PR perspective, the situation is bad and couldn't get much worse.


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