
Friday, June 24, 2016

Where To Begin 

On rare occasions the news is so startling that one is at a loss on where to begin comments.  This morning is one of those.  There is the Supreme Court decision on immigration yesterday that struck down President Obama's executive order and at the same time, there is Britain voting itself out of the European Union last night leading to the Prime Minister stepping down this morning.  Both actions have implications for the public and communications.  The Court's decision places millions of immigrants in jeopardy of being deported.  The British decision upsets the relationship of the country with hundreds of millions.  It will take time to see how both decisions play out and the messages they send.  The financial markets have already reacted negatively to the British vote.  It is too early to determine how the political sphere will respond to the Court.  In any event, yesterday was an historic day and one hopes not soon repeated.


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