
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Firing Back 

Does it ever pay to fire back at a vocal and dissatisfied customer?  Delta Airlines is finding out.  It is in a public tiff with conservative commentator Ann Coulter who is upset that the airline gave her seat assignment away on a flight from La Guardia airport, NY to West Palm Beach, FL  Coulter was given another spot on the flight but she took to Twitter after landing and began bashing the airline.  Delta was not amused.  It refunded her $30 seat charge, but it also called for civility.  That is not what it was getting as Coulter let loose a barrage of criticism through a succession of Twitter posts.  Chances are Coulter will fly Delta again, but the airline probably would be happy if it has seen the last of her.  Who needs a disgruntled passenger anyway?


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