
Thursday, February 07, 2019

End Game 

The end game in bankruptcy is rarely pretty.  Reputations have been ruined and the PR is bad, but when there is a chance to salvage a business, it might be worth trying.  This is the position that Sears finds itself in at the moment.  It is still teetering on the edge of liquidation.  A judge will decide whether to take a bid to keep the stores open or to shut the company down.  Employees are unhappy.  Creditors want Sears to end.  It's a question of who gets pennies on a dollar of debt owed.  There isn't much communications can do in a situation like this.  It is in the courts and phalanxes of lawyers represent dozens of interests.  Sears is a shadow of what it was and may never be again.  If it survives, it will take years to rebuild its reputation as a retailer.


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