
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Not Enough 

Juan Guaido of Venezuela reaped international publicity and large, supportive crowds when he proclaimed himself the rightful president last April.  It is not enough.  Maduro is still in power and seemingly more entrenched than ever, even as the country collapses.  Maduro understands that he needs to keep the army and militias on his side, and he is doing that.  He accuses the United States of trying to overthrow him, playing on the long-time theme of US meddling in Latin American affairs.  Guaido is hanging on.  Maduro has not jailed nor killed him yet, but the crowds are gone and his claim to the presidency is farther from reach than ever.  Publicity can only do so much when the target of negative communications is stubborn.  Mass demonstrations have worked in Puerto Rico where the governor is leaving, but they have little chance of success in Venezuela.


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