
Thursday, August 01, 2019

End Game? 

This author is predicting a severe downturn for the beef industry in the US as plant-based burgers take meat's place. Farmers are fighting back and trying to convince state legislatures to rule that veggie burgers are not meat and shouldn't be advertised that way.  The plant-based burger is growing rapidly.  The companies making them are enlarging capacity and alleviating shortages.  Fast food chains are adopting them and experiencing strong sales.  Soon, the plant-based burger will be sold in supermarkets alongside beef.  The meat industry isn't going to go away but it needs to develop an answer to the plant-based burger.  Right now, it has none.  Over time, the plant-based burger will shrink the meat industry and put farmers out of work.  This will radiate through slaughterhouses and processors and impact local agricultural economies.  The public won't care as long as it doesn't affect them.  The beef industry is facing a difficult end game that it can't afford to lose.


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