
Thursday, September 12, 2019

About Time 

News that California will force the NCAA to pay college athletes is long past due.  Exploitation, particularly of basketball and football players, has gone on for decades.  It fostered corruption when alumni paid players under the table or gave them expensive gifts. It distorted the educational system with coaches receiving million-dollar salaries, many times more than professors.  All for the figment of amateur sports.  It was and is a PR scandal, blatant hypocrisy and a constant irritant to young men and women who competed under the amateur rules.  The NCAA will retaliate and might exclude college-age athletes in California from competing.  That would be a burden on the jocks, but it might also be a blessing by forcing them to pay attention to academics rather than grids.  If other states follow suit, as some are trying to do, the NCAA will eventually have to capitulate.  Meanwhile, California is taking the lead and hoping other states will follow.


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