
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Didn't Work 

When is a do-good deed a failure in PR?  When you talk too much about yourself.  Like this.  The Carolina Panthers football team and the Lowe's home improvement retailer combined to provide a 12-year-old a lawn mower so the boy can cut lawns to raise money for college.  Heartwarming, sure, but in a 90-second video about the gift, the focus was all on the Panthers and Lowes.  And, it backfired.  There were critics on the web who said the team and the company could have and should have done more.  Others counted the boy's words and noted that he had the least to say while the Panthers and Lowes hogged the limelight.  There is an old cliche that states "no good deed goes unpunished."  It is relevant here but it didn't need to be.


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