
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Pot And Kettle 

There is an old saying about hypocrisy of the pot calling the kettle black.  President Trump is an example of that by his calling Congress "Liars."    The media have documented thousands of lies the President has told since he was a nominee.  In fact, he has been so immune to facts that he makes them up as he goes along -- if they fit his passion of the moment.  So, there is deep irony in his pique over Congress.  One wonders if he understands that: Chances are he doesn't.  He is a man without a moral center, and whatever serves him at the moment will do whether or not it fits with a semblance of truth.  He is like the proverbial salesman who will do or say anything to get a signature on a contract.  It might work for a time but eventually, people understand and turn against the individual. Trump has two things going for him -- full-employment and a humming economy.  That, however, might not be enough to get him re-elected.  Simply put, people don't trust him.  He has bad PR.


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