
Friday, December 27, 2019

Short-term Thinking 

This report reveals that SUVs are growing larger.  No one is thinking of the mileage for these behemoths nor the cost to operate them.  As long as gas prices remain low, they will sell.  It is short-term thinking in a warming climate.  The attitude is "I want more."  The reality is that for every SUV put on the road, there is an environmental impact.  Something will give eventually -- either fuel prices or regulation.  It can't continue as it has with the world heating up.  All the PR efforts to inform the public about the warming climate have amounted to nothing as long as consumers ignore the warnings.  We won't be a carbon-neutral country until citizens act individually to reduce emissions.  There needs to be a sense of personal responsibility.  Short-term thinking must run up against harsh reality.


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