
Monday, March 23, 2020

Smart PR 

Jeff Bezos call for laid-off restaurant and bar workers to come to Amazon for temporary employment is smart PR.  He needs the people to handle emergency orders combatting COVID-19.  He is stating publicly that Amazon is open for business and thriving.  He is placing himself in a sweet spot at a time when panic rules the streets.  Of course, Bezos will have to protect temporaries as much or more than he is doing for his full-time employees.  The worst thing that could happen to the company would be for one of his fulfillment centers to become a hot spot for the virus.  He also needs to protect his delivery people who are working in fear that they might contract the disease while running their routes.  If he can solve these challenges and keep his workforce relatively free of illness, he will have achieved a huge success about which he can legitimately boast.  But that is still a big "if".  


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