
Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Sometimes one can forget there is evil in the world.  In an effort to see another's side of things, we tolerate what is deeply wrong.  Consider this and this. There is no moral code that would allow either.  The progenitors of such actions are evil -- pure and simple -- and they will most likely get away with their deeds.  Moral relativism cannot excuse them, even if one tries.  They should be excoriated, tracked down and made to pay in time served and fines for the consequences of their scams.  That they misuse communications is a warning.  Every message-carrying vehicle is vulnerable to evil.  The good and well-intentioned cannot outweigh the bad.  There must be warfare against malefactors until they are too scared to operate.  It is not just a job of police and prosecutors but of everyone.  We cannot stamp out evil permanently but we can make life a hell for them.  


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