
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Backhanded Promotion 

A group of Republicans opposed to President Trump created an online video ad named "Mourning in America."  It was destined to go the way of most ads, overlooked and quickly irrelevant.  But, then, President Trump attacked it.  Suddenly, it went from a "couple of thousands views" to hundreds of thousands.  Trump's backhanded swipe was just the promotion it needed.  The creators of the ad must be gleeful.  Trump himself probably doesn't understand what he did.  His bent to attack, attack, attack has rendered him impervious to his shortcomings.  It should be a lesson to communications practitioners, however.  Sometimes it is best to leave criticism alone and let it die.  A bias toward response at all times is not a good idea.  Ask if negative comments are gaining traction.  If not, leave them alone.  Every leader has opponents.  That is part of being in charge.  Only when the opposition is gaining the power to stop action should one become engaged.  


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