
Friday, June 12, 2020

Too Late? 

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley now says he shouldn't have participated in President Trump's photo op in front of St. John's Church, a short walk from the White House across Lafayette Park.  It might be too late to restore his reputation for having done that.  He has been subject to scathing criticism from retired generals for politicizing the military.  Milley says he didn't know what the walk was about, but he also hasn't apologized for having done it.  It is a mark of this administration that it has corrupted everything it has touched, and the military is only the latest victim.  Come November, will the troops remember the incident and Milley's response to it?  It is too early to know, but it might not be too soon to find out if there has been a loss of trust in Milley.


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