
Monday, July 20, 2020


President Trump had a combative interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News that aired yesterday.  Trump was his usual self, creating "facts" to support his views.  But, there was one response that was dangerous.  It was his answer to Wallace's query whether Trump would recognize election results in November.  Trump waffled in his reply, saying, "We'll see."  This, of course, gives him an out if he wants to claim voter fraud and that he won the race.  Such non-response is dangerous to the public and the government.  If the race is close, Trump can claim he indeed won but for fraud.  If the race is overwhelmingly against him, he can still claim irregularities, but it would be harder for him to hang on to his office.  Look for Trump to assign a commission to investigate any results that go against him.  It will be pathetic PR and counterproductive but there is no shame in the man.


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