
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Smart Move 

Kentucky Fried Chicken is suspending its slogan, "Finger Lickin' Good" until after the pandemic is over.  Smart marketing and PR move.  The restaurant chain rightly recognizes that during the time of Covid-19, people shouldn't be putting tongues to digits.  It is an unintended bad suggestion that couldn't have been understood 64 years ago when it was first used.  It is not the first time companies have run afoul of events through no fault of their own.  It won't be the last and the issue is how to respond.  KFC has taken a right step given its situation.  Will it hurt company sales for the period the slogan is missing.  Consumers should have internalized the words by now.  Rather, it will be a test of long-term memory.  How soon do people forget?


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