
Monday, September 07, 2020

Publicity Or PR? 

 Several major pharma companies are planning to publish a pledge that they will not release COVID vaccines unless they are proved scientifically potent and safe.  Only time will tell whether this is publicity or PR.  If publicity, they will bend to political pressure and say their vaccines are safe and effective.  If PR, they will prove it transparently for others in the pharma community to vet and for the scientific community to study.  There is deep distrust in the country and millions have said they won't take the first vaccines to come to market.  Their fear is that President Trump in his reelection bid will force ineffective preventatives into the market.  They are trying to depoliticize the situation, and it will be difficult since there is so much in the current White House riding on it.  Some are hoping we won't get an effective vaccine until after the election in a wishful attempt to defeat President Trump.  That is going too far but it is understandable.


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