
Thursday, December 17, 2020


 What can be done about a leader who isolates himself from reality and lives passionately within his own bubble of lies and self-regard?  This is the potential challenge facing President-elect Biden as he takes over from President Trump who is living in denial.  Rumors are floating that Trump might refuse to leave the White House on inauguration day.  There is no persuasion to handle a situation like this.  Trump would have to be escorted from the building by security, and it would stain his reputation even more deeply than it already is.  It is unlikely that Trump would go through with it.  He has some survival instincts remaining, but he has surrounded himself with yes-men who are encouraging him to resist the election results and telling him only what he wants to hear.  That's always a danger to a leader who should remain open to multiple points of view and facts.  Sadly, Trump's election loss is still not a fact for him, and the longer he denies it, the more difficult it will be for Biden.


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