
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Best Laid Plans 

The best laid plans often go awry, or so the cliché states.  That is what is happening to Pfizer in its efforts to supply the European Union with COVID vaccination shots.  It is an estimated 30 percent below goals.  This is a PR black eye for the drug company and a crisis.  There is no good way to make up for the shortfall and the EU will suffer by going without.  One could ask how Pfizer so badly estimated its manufacturing capacity, a question the company must address sooner or later.  It won't look good whatever the answers the drug producer presents.  Pfizer is being tight-lipped and refusing to comment on delivery schedules.  That won't get it far if the EU investigates or sues the company.  It would be better if Pfizer made a clean breast of its production and shipping, shortfalls and all.  But, that doesn't seem to be something the company is willing to do -- yet.


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