
Friday, March 19, 2021

Burning Out 

Citizens of the world are burning out over COVID restrictions.  They want it to end, to take off masks, to go to restaurants and pubs again, to visit with friends without social distancing.  But the virus is tenacious and France once more has gone into lockdown.  Meanwhile, a senator is blistering Dr. Fauci over mask wearing for those who have been vaccinated. This has created an enormous PR problem for governments around the world.  How do they keep the public conforming to sanitation rules.  People don't care any longer.  Their attitude seems to be, "Let me get sick and be done with it."   Health authorities are pleading for citizens to stay the course, just for a few months longer.  Some are, many aren't.  The world has reached a limit of persuasive communication.  Words are falling on deaf ears, and enforcement is nearly impossible. 


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