
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Tough Call 

 A major newspaper in Japan has come out with an editorial calling for the cancellation of the Olympics because of COVID.  It joins with 60 to 80 percent of Japanese citizens who feel the same way.  The government and organizers are hanging tough and plowing ahead, but one wonders for how long.  Japan is running out of time.  It might have a month or two before it is committed to move ahead.  It is a PR and marketing crisis for the International Olympic Committee and for the country.   Another concern is for the athletes themselves.  Most are vaccinated but will they want to risk their health in a country with a growing COVID rate?  Chances are the Olympic Stadium will be nearly empty for the opening ceremony and the games themselves.  It will look terrible on camera and dent the IOC's already soiled reputation.  It's a tough call with a fixed deadline.  


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