
Monday, August 09, 2021

Nowhere To Run 

The United Nations has issued a climate report on global warming that is disturbing and fatalistic.  The study says violent weather is here to stay and could get worse if the world doesn't act now.  But, political will is not there across the earth to act in a coordinated fashion, even with floods in Germany and fires in Greece, Turkey, the US and Canada.  It has been an awful summer so far for the world but its citizens are still on the fence about what they have to do.  Changing minds and hearts will take a couple of decades of drought, floods and fires before the majority of populations are ready for change.  Even then, the message will face denial and inaction.  Climate change is beyond the power of persuasion.  Like COVID, it will take the suffering of millions before there is concerted action. People just aren't listening.   


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