
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

On Trial 

Elizabeth Holmes, the fallen founder of Theranos, a bankrupt blood-testing company, goes on trial today for fraud.  Her attorneys will be using a variety of explanations for why she did what she did, including diminished capacity from sexual abuse.  It will be a closely watched trial and the news media are all over it.  Holmes has made life difficult for other female Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.  They are under a cloud because of her actions.  It is unfair to them but reputation and perception are the order of the day.  The destruction of the reputation of a high-profile executive and the ugly perception it leaves as a result carries over to other women.  It is wrong but a fact of life, and female executives have to overcome it while raising money and running their firms.  They have to communicate more, be more transparent and make no claims unless they can prove them.  That written, it is what male founders should be doing as well, but sadly, they get more slack.  


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