
Monday, September 20, 2021

The Limit on Persuasion  

Anti-vaxxers who refuse to take the jab are rushing to a drug called Ivermectin used to kill parasites in livestock.  In doing so, they are turning their back on FDA-approved vaccines with hundreds of millions of successful injections and demonstrated preventive effects.  The irony is overwhelming and demonstrates again that humans are not rational creatures.  Communications built on logic and reason are foiled again and again.  So, how does one deal with irrational behavior?  Fear is one place to start.  Widely circulate the harmful effects of the drug if taken in excess.  Publicize cases in which patients failed to get better and died of COVID.  Spread the word that Ivermectin is dangerous when ill-used.  Some will listen:  Some won't.  Irrational people are convinced of their positions in the face of overwhelming evidence.  It is one more example of the limit on persuasion.


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