
Monday, September 27, 2021

Too Little, Too Late? 

Two weeks after a Wall Street Journal investigation into Fakebook's Instagram software, the company is saying not so.  The Journal article cited Facebook's own internal research revealing that teenage girls are being hurt in body image while using the photo-based program.  What took the company so long?  In the modern era, that's numerous news cycles per day that passed before the vice president of research responded.  Corporations don't have the luxury of waiting any longer.  They need to respond immediately with facts to correct the record.  The problem Facebook is facing is that the data is its own that was leaked to the Journal.  The VP's delayed rejoinder is interesting because she is arguing her own work was misinterpreted.  The argument is "that is not what I intended to say."  It won't play well in the public opinion sphere where data points are facts until disproven.  Facebook needs crisis-response help.  


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