
Thursday, October 07, 2021

Show Me 

Ice cores from Antarctica have revealed environmental damage from the Maori people clearing land in New Zealand by burning 700 years ago.  In other words, harm to the atmosphere is not new, but it started on a massive scale at the start of the industrial revolution in the 19th Century. And, it has caught up with us.  There appears to be an emerging shift in public opinion about the environment.  This comes as a result of catastrophes around the world predicted by scientists and climate models.  It raises an interesting question for communicators.  What does it take to get the public to believe and act on facts?  The average citizen seems to have a "show-me" attitude.  "I won't believe it until you show me harm from excessive heat and violent weather."  "I won't believe vaccines are helpful until you show me a neighbor or friend or member of the family who has died from COVID."  Warnings have little to no impact.  They make some people all the more stubborn, even smart, well-educated individuals.  There are limits to messaging and they lie with the receptivity of individuals, some of whom are beyond persuasion.  


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