
Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Dictator's Formula 

An editorial in North Korea is calling for the country's military to back Kim Jong Un as he enters his 10th year of rule.  Well it should.  There is only one way for an authoritarian to stay in power and that is control of the soldiers who enforce his rule.  This has been the way dictators hold their seats for thousands of years.  There is nothing new in the way Kim Jong Un is handling his country.  There is nothing new in the way China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba and other nations maintain their grip on citizens.  Democracy is inherently fragile and has been from the time of Athens to the present.  The US can preach the virtues of rule by the people but dictators aren't listening and rarely will as long as they have a grip on their generals and troops.  It is a message American citizens don't want to hear but it is a fact of time and political dynamics.  


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