
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Guessing Game 

The news that a Supreme Court justice is about to retire has launched a traditional guessing and lobbying game to determine who will take his place.  It's a dumb activity.  No one, including the President, knows at this point who the nominee will be.  There is still vetting to do, interviews to take place and political calculations to undertake.  But, that doesn't stop DC pols from opining and the media from running stories about whom it is likely to be. The only thing we know now is that President Biden promised on the campaign trail to pick an African-American women to sit on the court.  If he is true to that pledge, the field is narrowed to less than 10 qualified judges.  But, who is to say that he has to pick a sitting judge?  He doesn't and there is a history on the court of picks who were never on the bench.  So, we still don't know, but that won't stop the publicity, the "leaks", the efforts to find out before anyone else knows.  One would think the political class has better things to do --like passing laws.   


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