
Thursday, February 24, 2022

It Starts 

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has finally launched after weeks of buildup along the border.  Putin doesn't care what the world thinks of him.  He has manufactured grievances and propaganda to justify his actions to his people.  He has stiff-armed diplomats and presidents who have pleaded with him to stand down.  His move is that of a dictator who gets what he wants when he wants it.  He has committed his rejuvenated military to taking over the country and there is every likelihood that he will succeed.  Ukraine lacks the military hardware that the Russians have positioned along the border.  The question now is whether Ukraine's soldiers will fight to the end or give up and flee.  No country is coming to their aid other than sending munitions and heartfelt messages.  Ukraine is on its own and now will become a vassal of the Russian state.   


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