
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Now, A friend?  

The US sent a delegation to Venezuela to talk to President Maduro.  It has been years coming. The country has been living under sanctions since Maduro took over.  It is too early for the US to proclaim Maduro a friend, especially since hundreds of thousands of citizens have fled the country and Maduro has shown no inclination to allow democracy and free and fair voting to take place.  But, Venezuela has oil, plenty of it and no way to get it to market under interdiction.  The US needs petroleum with the new sanctions on Russia cutting off the country's supply.  Should the US reach a détente with Maduro, it will be a slap in the face of Maduro's opponents and hypocrisy.  But, that's the way the world works -- a friend one day, an enemy the next, a friend again when the need arises.  The US can be as amoral as its opponents.   


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