
Tuesday, September 20, 2022


President Biden has an unhappy habit of declaring victory before a war is won.   This is the second time he has declared the pandemic to be over.  Remember that he declared inflation under control months ago.  He doesn't seem to appreciate the caution one should take when communicating about things that are not under his control  No one knows whether the pandemic is really over.  We might have another flare-up this fall and winter.  As for inflation, not even the Federal Reserve can predict when it might be under control.  Biden is an optimist who needs to be a realist in his approach to the public.  Think of another president -- Zelenskyy.  He has had great success on the battlefield lately, but he refuses to declare the war is over.  Instead, he tells his citizens that much fighting remains and they should not relax their guard.  That's the approach Biden should have taken when talking about COVID, but he didn't.  He will rue the fact he was incautious in November.  


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