
Monday, December 05, 2022

A Choice 

Georgians have a choice of two black candidates for US Senator.  It's an historic time for a state that overwhelmingly votes for whites.  The difference between the two is stark.  One emphasizes his relationship to the black community.  The other tells white Republican voters that they should not apologize for voting white.  One is a minister who has won the seat already once in a special election.  The other is a former football star at the University of Georgia.  There is no way of knowing at this hour who will win but it is a time of decision for African Americans in the state. Should they choose a celebrity who starred on the field or a man who has demonstrated his potential already in office?  To an outsider, the choice would seem obvious, but to the voter it might not be.  Both men have spent millions communicating to the electorate.  It is enough to overwhelm anyone with conflicting images of who the candidates really are. Political marketing sows confusion. 


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