
Monday, May 22, 2023

Convincing The Skeptics 

Ford Motor is unleashing a major communications thrust today to convince Wall Street skeptics about its plans for producing 2,000,000 EVs a year by 2026, up from 600,000 this year. The event is called Capital Markets Day.  Ford needs to marshal the facts of its changeover from gasoline engines to electric power. and they need to be convincing.  Otherwise, negative conclusions will knock the company's stock lower and make capital-raising more difficult.  Expect a well rehearsed show and plenty of AV and other effects to help make the point.  Expect as well a parade of Ford executives, each discussing his area of management responsibility and how it fits into the goal.  There will be questions, some fawning and some hostile, and attention paid to how Ford's CEO answers them.  The mark of success will be positive analyst opinions.  Failure will be devastating critiques of the company's plans.  It should be interesting. 


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