
Monday, September 16, 2024

Nowhere Is Safe 

A second attempt on the life of former President Trump at his gold course is proof that nowhere is safe in this poisonous political era.  Free speech has turned to unacceptable violence -- on the part of deranged individuals, yes -- but encouraged by ugly words.  We will survive this period but will we remember it when it passes?  

Friday, September 13, 2024

When Things Go Wrong 

Boeing understands how difficult it is to turn around when things go wrong.  Now it has a strike to negotiate with 33,000 machinists off the job.  Its reputation as an aerospace company was already in tatters and the strike doesn't help in any way in getting it back on track.  It's hard to understand how far down this once-premier American manufacturer has fallen. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Still Close 

Just one bad debate doesn't mean that Trump is going to lose the election.  The candidates are still this close in swing states.  As I've written, now is the time for ground-pounding communications -- door to door, rally to rally, voter to voter. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Fact Check 

If he had done the least bit of fact checking, he wouldn't have made this bone-headed mistake.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Does It Matter?  

Israel says its strike on a tent complex yesterday used highly accurate weapons. Still, a claimed 40 men, women and children died.  Does it matter the precision of bombs if innocent civilians are still killed?  Israel's reputation as an armed bully hounding the Palestinian people is deepened with every attack like this.  With every civilian death, Israel is raising up new enemies of the future with implacable hatred for the country.  There must be a better way.  

Monday, September 09, 2024


The presidential campaign has turned into a slog for the candidates.  It depends on ground level communications now -- door knocking, events, hand-shaking, baby kissing.  Old fashioned politics.  The winner will be the one who organizes best.  Social media has a role but it is not definitive -- not yet, anyway.

Friday, September 06, 2024


If China is so good, why are its citizens leaving?   The government should be answering that question.  Migrants are communicating with their feet.  

Thursday, September 05, 2024


Power is being able to suppress a movie about oneself by intimidating distributors.  Trump has that ability.  It's the opposite of Free Speech.  

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Faux Pas  

It doesn't take much to lose your reputation.  Just ask this commander of a US Navy destroyer who was pictured firing a weapon with a backwards sighting scope.  He has been relieved from duty.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

What Now? 

Elon Musk's vision of free speech on X has cost him Brazil for now. A panel of judges has upheld a decision to block the service until it gets a legal representative in the country.  Musk now has to decide whether he will cave or pull out of Brazil altogether and strand millions of users there.  Musk refuses to accept that Free Speech is not always Free, especially when imminent violence is advocated.  He is a test case for editorial responsibility of publishers on the internet.  

Monday, September 02, 2024

Will He Listen? 

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis went on strike to protest the death of hostages at the hands of Hamas.  Their message to Netanyahu was to call a ceasefire and to negotiate the return of the remaining prisoners.  The unknown is whether Netanyahu is listening.  He seems dead set on the destruction of the terrorist group and an implacable foe.  The communications to him could not be more clear although some sections of the country did not protest.  He is playing a risky political hand and at some point he stands a good chance of losing altogether.  When is it right for a leader to ignore what citizens are telling him?  

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