
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

An Engineer 

Boeing, after another loss, has appointed an engineer CEO of the company.  It's what should have been done in the first place years ago.  Financial CEOs wrecked the business and threw the company into ongoing turbulence.  It's now time to get back to manufacturing and rigorous safety protocols.  It costs more but it is essential.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Dream On 

President Biden has proposed changes to the Supreme Court, which would include amending the Constitution.  It's a dream and fantasy. Republicans control Congress and they have said already that his proposals are dead on arrival.  What Biden is doing is setting the table for the next Democratic President and even that person will have a hard time passing legislation.  Presidents are allowed their dreams and some even become law, but not these with just a few months left in his term.

Monday, July 29, 2024

What Would You Expect?  

In a country where a strong man dictates, what would you expect but that he wins reelection?  There is no free press nor untainted ballot box in Venezuela. The government controls speech and PR is impossible in the face of overwhelming propaganda.

Friday, July 26, 2024

PR Exercise 

This evening in Paris will see the launch of an international PR exercise called the Olympic Games.  The opening will be a spectacle along the river Seine.  In spite of arson attacks on the French railway system, the show will go on and millions will tune in.  It should be fun and entertaining.  

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Stepping Down 

Biden's lifelong fight with stuttering suffered a partial defeat last night in his speech from the Oval Office.  He delivered his remarks with low energy and he stumbled a number of times, all of which supported the contention that he is too old to continue.  It was a performance on the edge of comprehension in some moments but even so, his integrity showed through.  He does value Democracy.  He does believe that the Presidency is above personal ambition.  He does hold that the people are above politicians and pols are in office to serve citizens.  These are noble tenets, and he will be remembered for them, especially if Vice President Harris wins in November.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Perception Turns 

It wasn't long ago that Elon Musk could do no wrong and his companies were operating on all cylinders.  The perception today is the opposite as Tesla struggles with decreased car sales, Musk is tarred in liberal eyes for his Trump affiliation and Musk's bets on future technologies, instead of taking care of Tesla, has analysts downgrading the company and Musk.  He has plenty of time to turn around the mess on his hands.  The question is: Will he?  Musk like Trump seems to thrive on chaos, which unnerves his investors.  He is, or nearly so, the richest man on the planet.  He has room to maneuver but the question remains whether he can rein in his ego.  His money appears to have gone to his head.   

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Fighting Back 

Words as weapons. That's what both presidential candidates are using to savage each other's character.  It's not pretty. One would prefer a discussion of policy and views of what the Presidency means for the stability of the country.  But, no.  Trump started it and Harris is catching up -- or trying to.  It bodes an ugly campaign until November, especially if Trump should fall behind.  

Monday, July 22, 2024


Democrats need to hurry to pick a presidential nominee.  Republicans have a head start and are united behind Trump.  It's not that Kamala Harris has not been campaigning but she has been in President Biden's shadow and now she is in the full glare of media coverage. Her every propensity and fault will be highlighted.  Her bio will be discussed at length.  Her missteps when she became VP will be trotted out.  From a PR point of view, she has a great opportunity combined with a huge threat.  How she handles it will determine whether she makes it into the Oval Office.  Democrats need to show unity, something that is difficult for them.  The one challenge that might draw them together is Trump needs to be defeated.  

Friday, July 19, 2024


This is a PR disaster for the company involved and perhaps a costly one should businesses sue for lost revenue.  It raises the question of whether Crowdstrike tested its update before installing it and knocking out service around the globe.  If it didn't, it was a major gaffe from which the company might not recover.  It's well past time for technology companies to rigorously stress their software before sending it into service.  

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Strong Man Blues 

This is what happens to a country with a dictator -- an incompetent one.  Venezuela is wrecked and it will be decades for it to return to prosperity.  So, citizens leave and take their skills and talents with them.  It is communications to the government by feet.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Publicity Stunt 

This is a publicity stunt to make a point and it succeeded.  The news went internationally and supported the decision to have marathon and triathlete swimmers in the Seine river during the Olympics.  It is also a testament to the power of government in cleaning the environment.  Kudos to Paris.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Any way you read this, it is embarrassing and a PR disaster for Boeing.  Can the company do anything right these days?

Monday, July 15, 2024


Assassination is not persuasion.  It is the opposite -- use of deadly force.  That is why this is so wrong.  Trump is unfit to be president, but there is no justice in killing him. One violent act has turned him into a martyr.

Friday, July 12, 2024


President Biden was always a gaffe machine but now every flub hurts his chances of reelection.  A PR nightmare.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Deny, Deny 

Former President Trump has denied knowing who is behind Project 2025, a conservative blueprint for his administration should he win in November.  The problem is that 140 contributors to the document worked for him in the White House when he was president.  He knows full well who is behind it.  He has disavowed the plan, which is helpful to him, but it remains a political target for Democrats who want to see him defeated.  It probably won't make much difference in the end because voters aren't paying much attention.  Party planks rarely survive an election.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Adding to fears about how Biden might handle himself at the NATO summit comes a Democratic Senator's opinion that Trump could win by a landslide.  Biden's refusal to step aside is more and more of a highwire act.  It is a question now of Biden's ego versus his physical health.  If he can't convince the American public that he has the stamina for another term, he will lose to Trump.  It is a huge task of persuasion facing him.  

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

No Pressure 

Biden is attending the NATO summit as the leader of the free world, but he will be under intense scrutiny for how he acts and whether he can still command the respect of allies.  No pressure there -- ahem.   

Monday, July 08, 2024


Boeing is about to become a convicted felon for defrauding the FAA regarding flight software for its 737 Max airliners.  The software was responsible for two crashes.  Victims' families say the company is getting off lightly.  Monetarily, that may be so.  But, Boeing's reputation has taken a blow that will require years to recover, if at all.  How could a pillar of American manufacturing have sunk so low?

Friday, July 05, 2024


The UK's change of power is simplicity itself.  The Prime Minister loses:  He leaves No. 10 Downing Street and the new PM takes over.  There is no grace period, no huge celebrations, no second-guessing. The US could learn from that.  It's would be a message that the Presidency is not an imperial position, the Supreme Court notwithstanding.  

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Ego Or Duty 

On this July 4, a major question confronts President Biden.  Is it ego or duty that keeps him in the race for President?  If he asks himself what is best for the country, he would step down.  If his ego is at the forefront of his thinking, he will stay in office and possible plunge the country into control of a wannabe dictator.  A difficult and deeply personal choice with profound implications.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024


Biden has lost the support of his party and of key media.  The New York Times today printed a devastating article on the front page that reveals Biden is often vague in private meetings and befuddled.  On Sunday last, the editorial board of the Times called for Biden not to run.  At least one Congressman has publicly called for him to step down.  But, so far, Biden is hanging grimly on and is a threat to take the party down with him in November.  The Supreme Court has decided in Trump's favor and there is no legal way to bar him from serving a second term.  The race between the two seems ended for Biden before it enters the heated Fall months.  A pity.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Out At The Top 

The owners of the NBA champions Boston Celtics are using smart marketing.  They are selling the team just after it won its title.  Going out at the top. It assuredly won't be a fire sale.  The challenge now is to find the right owners who will carry on the team's winning traditions.  The ownership group will lose all respect of the fans if it simply chooses the highest bidder without regard to the maintenance of the team.

Monday, July 01, 2024


 In the 21st Century, this is inhuman and India's reputation suffers for letting it happen.  

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